Group Meetings

                                         Group Meetings

    In class we had a group meeting. I found this meeting to be highly informative. It brought a social aspect to the project that we haven't really had so far. It was nice to be able to express my ideas and planning going behind the short film opening to others. The development of the film has been coming a long way and it's getting to a place where a truly good piece can be produced from it. I found it really fun to hear the ideas of others as well as their opinions towards my planning. Everyone gave their honest feedback respectfully and allowed for me to ask questions. I took this as an opportunity to verbally illustrate and then see how others reacted and viewed my script/film plans.

     I wanted to make sure I walked away from this first group meeting with additional knowledge. Taking away points was the key part for me. The four other peers in my group all had fairly good planning outlines and script ideas. I felt that the storyboarding they put time and effort into did'nt truly appeal to me. I think for my partner and I it is much more important to visualize and bring our shots to life through filming practice, than drawing them out. However, we still did complete 12 shots for the story board and brought our ideas to life somewhat. The group discussed importance of different varying shots and keeping the character development simple but not lacking in effort. It's almost like you don't want to give the audience too much, but also make sure they have some background. We took the 2+2 idea from the Ted Ted we viewed in class and discussed it too. That does go along with character development. I think taking time to not just spoon feed information, but instead allow for connection can bring a fantastic  film opening for us.

With this group meeting has come the excitement for production and I am honestly really looking forward to being able to get into the filming process! 



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