Filming and Over all Planning Schedule

 It's coming up! We have planned our dates and locations for our upcoming start to the filming process. My partner and I plan to film at my grandparents house in Highland Ranches. The neighborhood is fairly well lit which was something that was well recommended by my peers from the group meetings. Im excited to bring out our visions and ideas with this piece. Below is the schedule for our upcoming filming, I wanted to keep it simple as simple is usually better for me.

March 3rd-Plan Out all Filming

March 9th

-Start the filming scene and get a great feel for what will be included

-Take the first few shots and perfect the establishing shot

-Overshoot shots we need for the beginning of the opening 

March 14th

-Overview what we have and build on it with the sequential shots

-Make sure the shots are being filmed with consistent feature like the lighting(Make sure the time of day remains the same for us) IMPORTANT

March 21st

-Build the shots together and make sure everything continues to be clean and smooth 

-Be mostly done with filming

March 24th

-Completed with the filming of shots and prepared for editing

March 31st

-Edit and properly place everything together 

-Review the end product and be sure every flows near perfectly

-AUDIO(I need to make sure that all audio for the film is placed properly and synced with the opening)




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